Dr. Abi Thevakumar

Obstetrician and Gynaecologist

Dr. Abi Thevakumar

Obstetrician and Gynaecologist


The womb is a mysterious organ! Within it grows life and it can also cause great strife. Many gynaecological problems are quite common, but some are severe enough to cause disruption to a woman’s lifestyle, plans for pregnancy and her relationship with her partner.

Many women feel embarrassed and anxious about their gynaecological issues. It helps to speak to your doctor about them and seek help and reassurance.

There are many treatment options for each condition and Dr. Abi will discuss with you the most suitable treatment based on your health status, specific gynaecological condition and most importantly, your preference.


We’ve come a long way from using honey and goats bladders inside vaginas as birth control! There are many suitable methods now which are safer and have less side effects. The choice depends on women’s preferences, medical history, any contraindications, ease of use and cost.

Some of these methods can also have an added benefit in managing heavy and painful periods.

Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

The uterus is a mysterious organ; It can hold new life within it, and yet also cause strife! 1 in 4 Australian women, in their reproductive years, suffer with heavy menstrual loss. This is defined as excessive menstrual bleeding which causes significant impact on the social, physical, emotional aspects and quality of life.

There are many causes for this, ranging from hormonal changes, uterine conditions such as fibroids or adenomyosis, bleeding disorders and some medications. The treatment options depend on the causes.


This is a debilitating condition that affects 1 in 7 women. Endometriosis happens when tissue similar to the uterine lining grows outside the uterus, commonly in the pelvis. Rarely it can be found in other parts of the body. It usually starts in the teenage years, but can take up to 6.5 years to be diagnosed formally.

It has wide ranging effects on a woman’s psychological, emotional, social and reproductive aspects. Treatments include medical, surgical and complementary therapies.

Abnormal Cervical Screening Test

The cervical screening test is designed to detect the HPV virus and if there are any cell changes in the cervix. Receiving an abnormal result can be quite distressing. However, an abnormal test result does NOT mean you have cancer or will get cancer.

There are different pathways for further testing or monitoring depending on the test result.


Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

This condition refers to an imbalance of the hormones (Follicular stimulating hormone, Luteinizing Hormone) and a raised male sex hormone (testosterone) which can cause irregular cycles, excess facial and body hair, acne and weight gain. It is also associated with increased insulin levels and fertility issues.

Vaginal discharge, itching and vulval pain

There are a variety of conditions that can afflict the vulva and vagina. Itching and discharge are common symptoms. The causes can vary from thrush to skin conditions. Its important to seek Specialist help when simple treatments aren’t working.

Vulval pain or vulvodynia is broadly caused by either a skin condition or a nerve/muscle disorder. These sometimes can overlap.

Perimenopause and Menopause

A woman transitions into this phase of her life at the tail end of her reproductive years. The perimenopause can begin from about the age of 45. Menopause is when the periods have stopped for 12 months. The average age a woman attains this is around 51.

Many women experience a variety of symptoms that can vary in their severity and how they impact her life.

This is also a time of many physiological changes that can influence her future health, so its good to get a check up and discuss any concerns.

There has been a lot of controversy surrounding Hormone Replacement, including misinformation in the community.

The resource below has up to date information for women navigating this change.